Friday, February 20, 2009

Boeing 737-800 from above.

Flying to Anchorage from Salt Lake City. A friend of mine is the Captain on this airplane and they took off from Seattle on their way to Anchorage about the time we got to the Seattle area. We then were able to cross paths a few times on the way up. This would have been taken off the coast of British Columbia. You can focus through the thick cockpit windows but if you zoom way in ( 300 mm ) it distorts no matter what angle through the window.. I guess they were designed to keep bad stuff out.. not as photography glass...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day

I don't usually 'set up' too many images but this was fun and easy to do...Happy Valentine's Day. Most see the heart (duh) but some miss the book...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The look in her eyes.

This photo is not in any of my public galleries but I liked the look in her eyes so thought I would post it here anyway. We have so much new snow here that I haven't been able to get out much with the camera. We are going skiing at Snowbird with a large group of friends and hopefully the clouds will lift a little for some photo opportunities over there.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am hanging out in the Whale's Tail coffee shop in the Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska. It looks like the sun may be out today so I need to get moving. It is cool around 10 degrees F.
So why the photo of a tea pot steaming? To me the steam represent the mystical ethereal and supernaturalism of our...oh BS just making up crap it is steam that is all. This whole blog thing writing to myself is mystical, ethereal and smacks of superdorkawastatimeism.. not that that is a bad thing ~ I get to practice typing and I get to use the ~ whenever I like ~ ~ ~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I liked the motion blur in this one of my wife walking on a wet trail. It was not a planed out shot ~ we ran into a cow moose on this walk in the of that is somewhere in the Utah gallery, I'll have to look for it. Tomorrow I head back to Alaska and hope to get out and find some wildlife ~ it is supposed to be cold though..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another beautiful and sunny day here so we went skiing again. Mid day sun was a little harsh but it was fun to play with the shadows. This is nearing the top of the "Eagle" lift. This was the run for the 2002 Winter Olympic Giant Slalom.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Aspens at Park City Mountian Resort

We went skiing today at Park City. Beautiful sunny day and I took the camera along. These Aspens are on a new run that they just cut this year..don't ask me the name of the run - we have been skiing at Park City for more than 15 years and I don't know half the ski run names - I just know where I like to ski. I did not have a UV or a polarizing filter on.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Abstract - Sort of..Railroad Track

There was a whole stack of these tracks down near the train yard in Anchorage, Alaska. I thought they looked kinda cool.